Distal radius fractures are a common injury, caused mainly by falling onto the hand. The most common type of distal radius fracture is a ‘colle’s’ fracture, where the fracture fragment can displace dorsally.
Articles & Posts in Category: Broken Arm
Treating a Colles Fracture with hand therapy
Distal radius fractures are a common injury, caused mainly by falling onto the hand. The most common type of distal radius fracture is a ‘colles’ fracture, where the fracture fragment can displace dorsally.
Arm exercises to do after an injury
Why do I need to do arm exercises?
After an injury to your arm, such as a broken wrist, it is important to maintain movement of other joints so they do not become painful and stiff. All exercise regimes are tailored individually to ensure they are appropriate for the injury and needs of the patient.