Here we take a look at managing a dislocated wrist, including common causes and treatments, and some simple exercises you can do at home.
Common causes
A dislocated wrist occurs from a fall or high impact traumatic event. There are 8 small bones in the wrist called the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate. Dislocating one of these bones implies ligament damage.
The lunate bone is most often involved. A dislocation may also be associated with a fracture of one of the bones
Common treatments
Dislocations usually need surgical intervention. Left alone may lead to permanent damage so ensure you seek medical attention straight away if you suspect you have dislocated your wrist and if you are experiencing any numbness, pain or if there is obvious deformity.
After surgery, your hand therapist can apply a splint or cast to allow the bones and soft tissue structures to heal.
Exercises and recovery
Once the cast/splint is removed exercises can be commenced. This is an important part of the recovery process as your wrist is likely to be stiff from the trauma of injury and immobilisation period. The focus will be on range of motion and then building proprioception and stability.
Here are some wrist excercises you can practice at home:
If you have any questions regarding a wrist dislocation and how you can help manage your injury, or wish to book an appointment, feel free to contact us here. We’d be more than happy to help!